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3. To identify and protect undesignated heritage assets under threat from demolition.

UDRO takes the view that buildings and other structures of historical significance are crucial to the happiness, identity, and prosperity of urban populations. They also offer surprising financial advantages to urban developers, though this potential is seldom realised. UDRO also takes the view that, particularly in the UK, buildings and structures of historical significance are under-protected, both in law and policy. As a result, they are being knocked down and replaced with modern buildings and structures at an alarming rate. The damage is irreversible. In addition to law and policy reform efforts under Mission 2, UDRO is committed to identifying heritage assets (in particular those which are not designated as such) and fighting to protect them. UDRO's position is to operate a strong presumption that preserving a historic building or structure serves the public interest. UDRO will do all within its power to support efforts to protect them. 

Ⓒ 2025 Urban Development Reform Organisation

HQ: London

Core institutional hub: University of Cambridge 

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